The International Coaches Institute offers new ideas for sports, lifestyle and business through its different subsidiaries.  In the sports field, it operates through the Registry of Racquet Stringers, founded in Spain in 2012, which aims to offer the best and most complete training program, international certification and comprehensive services to professionals of the stringing of rackets, as well as to promote this profession at all levels, where we offer the guarantee of the European Registry of Racquet Stringers, founded in 1999, the first program for racket stringing technicians, in which more than 500 professionals are registered in 27 countries.

Now, at Emilio Sánchez Academy (Naples – USA) the International Coaches Institute conduct an Integral Stringing Course is aimed at all those professionals who are working on the stringing, repair and customization of rackets with or without qualifications, to all coaches on the national or international circuit, to players of national category or with ATP ranking  / WTA, experienced teachers / coaches who wish to know in a comprehensive way the educational programs of the Registry of Racquet Stringers.

The Integral Stringing Course lasts two days, in which the following areas are covered:

Types of Frames:
Anatomy of a racket and its parts.  Manufacturing types and materials.  Characteristics: length, surface, profile, string pattern, weight, balance and stiffness.  Regulations regarding rackets.  Change of protector and tape of canutillos.  The Grip and its influence on the game: placement, increase or decrease.  Frame customization: weight, balance, inertia and length.

Types of Strings
Different types of strings: synthetic and natural gut.  Materials for manufacturing.  Characteristics: monofilament and multifilament in one or two pieces.  Hybrid strings.  Diameter, string tension, altitude & ball type and their influence on the string.  The choice of the type of string.  String regulation.

Gamer Profiles
Analysis of the types of players and the recommendation of rackets & strings based on the profile.

Stringing Machines
Manual or electronic.  The necessary accessories for stringing rackets.

String structure
Viewing the racket, setting the racket on the machine, selecting the string and its measurement, starting & ending the stringing and removing the racket from the machine.  Stringing techniques for professional players: standard & around the world. Practice with electronic machines and diagnostic center.

Organization & Marketing
How to get the most out of racket stringing in professional tournaments.

During the new Integral Stringing Course for stringers, a continuous evaluation will be carried out on each of the participants, granting at the conclusion the National qualification of the International Registry of Professional Stringers and the European qualification of the European Registry of Raquet Stringers.

Titulación RPE EspañaTitulación Europea ERRSTitulación RPE Latinoamérica

To obtain the title of Master Stringer, you must provide the Professional Stringer Registry with the documentation that proves that you have strung a minimum of 1000 tennis rackets.  To present this proof, you must complete the attached sheet in the manual of each course that must be signed by an active stringer of the RPE or by the Manager / Manager of a specialized tennis store.

The price of the course includes:


Folder & Pen

Teaching Manual Integral Stringing Course

Attendance Diploma

WES key: Web Education System

RPE Club services during the current year until 12/31


Certificate of National RPE qualification

ERRS European Certification

RPE Spain & LatinAmerica Certification

ICI International Certification

The International Coaches Institute was founded in Spain in 1989 and has become the largest, oldest and global leader organization dedicated to providing educational programs, international certification and comprehensive services to professional coaches in the fields of TENNISPADELGOLF, FITNESS AND PICKLEBALL, through their various Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Golf (RPGolf), Padel (RPPadel), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball(RPPickleball). The ICI has more than 50,000 qualified trainers and coaches in 130 countries, and since its foundation has trained over 100,000 sporting coaches.

ICI – TENNIS training programs and certifications are accredited and recognized by: Registro Profesional de Tenis, Spanish Professional Tennis Coaches Association, European Registry of Tennis Professionals, Emilio Sanchez Academy, PTCA – Professional Tennis Coaches Association,  ESTESS Athletic University, International Registry of Tennis Professionals, United States Professional Tennis Association, International Centre for the Training of Authorities and Leaders, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Association of Sports Training Professionals and Spanish Royal Tennis Federation.