International Coaches Institute – ICI & Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT are corporations that have been created for the purpose of providing a meeting point for all professionals in the tennis industry who want to specialize in the competitive field. This is an organization that aims to support the professional work of the coaches and partners to improve the quality and prestige of the profession.

The Institute offers the opportunity to prepare coaches for a higher level in the pyramid of tennis development and to prepare players within the competitive arena. It is a methodology based in the Emilio Sanchez Academy – ES Academy system, a unique and effective tennis method that has help many elite players like Murray, Dimitrov, Hantuchova, Kuznetzova, Ivanovic, Monaco … among others, and has helped hundreds of players obtain scholarships at prestigious American Universities.

This Spanish Tennis System has proved its results in the last 36 yearsRPT has played a key role in developing more than 9.000 coaches in Spain (27.000 coaches in 131 countries) and partnering with ES Academy since their foundation in 1999.

ICI & RPT offers a job opportunity for all of its partners, counsel to any tennis club or college linked with the competition, opinions and advise by experts, materials and latest trends. Soon ICI & RPT will provide other services to help coaches with a team of experts. ICI & RPT  would like to collaborate with you and we are sure to find ways to work together.

ES Academy Naples (Florida) is the home of ICI & RPT in the United States and is proud to host coaches and players an share with them the knowledge and materials of our successful courses. Since 2007 the ICI & RPT has trained and certified more than 3,000 coaches in the United States.

With this initiative we want to give credit to Tim Heckler, our American mentor and promoter of high performance courses and the improvement of coaching in the United States, and William “Pato” Álvarez who was one of the coaches who laid the foundations for the success of Spanish tennis. We hope to contribute and improve upon his legacy as the largest contributor to the biggest coaches organization.

GlobalCC: Global Coaching Course is a new ICI & RPT course designed for tennis instructors, teaching professionals and coaches who work with junior players who want to make the transition to professional. This 3 day intensive course includes the training programs CCC Level 1: Competitive Coaching Course (coaching competitive juniors from 12 to 18 years old), ProCC Level 2: Professional Coaching Course (transition from junior to professional level) and the DoublesCC: Doubles Coaching Course (doubles specialization program). This course offers you an overview of these three ICI & RPT training programs in a unique and exclusive format.

Course details

Learn about the skills and competencies you will develop during the course and the professional accreditations for which it qualifies you.

Player development

Mechanical power
Individual assistance / Training systems
Difficulty of the Exercise / Identification of the Pattern Game

Priorities of the shot / Playing style
Court Geometry / Court References
Tactical situations
Decision making
Playing a Point

Adjust / Movement
Supports / Physical power
Types of Power

Player environment / 5 Autos
Learning / Tennis Psychology
Reinforcement and Punishment
Mental routines / Routines during the game & changeovers

Coach development

Course program

In the new GlobalCC – Global Coaching Course has the following program:

SESSION 1 – Classroom:

  • ICI Philosophy and Spanish Training System used for Competition & Professional players and coaches 
  • Tennis Pyramid 
  • 4 Components 

SESSION 2 – Classroom

  • Strokes and their mechanics for coaches training players from 12-18
  • Training Stages 

SESSION 3 – On Court

  • Different test for coaches to analyze players 
  • Hand Drills (2nd chain) 
  • Basic Drills (1st chain)

SESSION 4 – Classroom

  • Tactical Drills 
  • Tactical: Eye, space, placement
  • Patterns of play Pro Level

SESSION 5 – On Court

  • Drills to learn how to decide 
  • Initiative Drills (3rd chain)
  • Service Drills (4th chain)

SESSION 6 – Classroom 

  • Training System: Drills, controls & competition exercises 
  • How to manage a Junior team & Pro team

SESSION 7 – Classroom

  • Footwork Movements and Adjustments for players 12-18 years & Professionals
  • Physical training, recovery and injury prevention for players 12-18 years & Professionals

SESSION 8 – On Court 

  • Physical training for players 12-18 years & Professionals
  • Stretching for players 12-18 years & Professionals
  • On court practice

SESSION 9 – Classroom

  • Mental training 
  • Coaches & parents environment 
  • Travelling on tour
  • Player periodization

SESSION 10 – On Court 

  • Controls: Dynamic & Static 
  • Return Drills (5th chain)
  • ESology Drills (6th chain)

SESSION 11 – Classroom 

  • The habits of a good coach
  • How to develop character
  • Differences coaching boys and girls 

SESSION 12 – Classroom / On Court

  • Reaction Drills (7th chain)
  • Doubles to improve singles
  • Doubles Drills (8th chain)

At the end of the new GlobalCC – Global Coaching Course, all persons who have completed it, may apply to the written exam and on court to obtain the certifications from the International Coaches Institute & Emilio Sanchez Academy, the National degree of the United States Registry of Tennis Professionals, the European degree of European Registry of Tennis Professionals, and the Spanish degree of Registro Profesional de Tenis.

Professional CoachProfessional CoachProfessional CoachProfessional CoachProfessional Coach

The exams are divided into 3 parts: written, skills and ball feeding. In the written exam you must answer 40 questions that add up to a total of 100 points. In the skills test you must demonstrate all the tennis strokes and your knowledge for teaching, and in the feeding test you must perform the complete second and third chain of exercises to a group of 4 players. All these aspects will be worked on during the new GlobalCC – Global Coaching Course. In addition, a continuous evaluation program will be applied during the three days of the course to each participant, which will determine the final result.

To obtain the degree of PROFESSIONAL COACH from the ICI & RPT you should get 70% minimum in the three parts of the exam.

Accreditation and benefits

The professional services of the RPT CLUB will be valid until December 31 of the current year, and include:

Individual Civil Liability Insurance in the amount of 600,000 €.

International Tenis Teaching and Coaching License

Once you have taken and completed the ICI & RPT professional training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams, you will receive a new professional license to teach and coach Tennis granted by the International Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT International), the United States Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT USA), the European Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT Europe) and the Registro Profesional de Tenis (RPT).

The contribution of the RPT to the development and success of Tennis will be decisive, with its international leadership with professional training programs and in the certification of Tennis coaches, with the SECURITY & GUARANTEE of its PROFESSIONAL LICENSE for teaching the sport of TENNIS worldwide.

Professional Accreditation

Once you have completed the ICI & RPT training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams/tests, you will receive a new professional accreditation from the International Coaches Institute & Emilio Sanchez Academy, and another from the Registry of Tennis Professionals, where the hours completed and distributed according to the levels finished and the qualifications obtained will be certified, through the following areas: OnSITE Training, Study & Preparation, OnLINE Training, Personal Development and Professional Experience, with the aim of tackling with guarantees the future new framework for the regulation of the profession and sports qualifications.

International certification

Once you have completed the ICI & RPT training programs, and once you have passed the corresponding exams/tests, you will receive the qualifications from the United States Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT USA and the International Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT International. In addition, you will also receive certification from the European Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT Europe and the Registro Profesional de Tenis.

In addition, you will also receive professional certification from the European Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT Europe and the Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT.

You will also be able to validate your level of qualification through the professional equivalency program with the following organizations: World Teaching Professionals (WTP), Professional Tennis Coaches Association (PTCA) and ESTESS Athletic University (UAE) at an exclusive price.

All RPT qualifications are recognized and endorsed by the International Coaches Institute, which since 1989 has a presence in 131 countries and has more than 65,000 certified sports coaches.

· Qualifications endorsed and recognized by the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation.

· International Job Opportunities

· Permanent Update & Annual Recognition Awards

· Global assistance

· Total security: Liability Insurance

· APE Sports Membership: 4 Constitutional Rights

· Sponsor Agreements

· In addition, you can enjoy all the advantages and services offered by the [more information]

They are offered twice a year during the Spring and Fall. Usually, the Spring dates for the course are during the first week of June, it starts with the 2-days and a half day course level 1, continues with the 2-days and a half day course level 2, and finishes with the doubles daily course after the first 2. The college-level is usually offered during the Fall semester. The courses are offered during the first week of December and they start with the college coaching course. We usually determine the dates of the courses 3 months or 4 before the courses so my recommendation keep checking the ICI webpage.

During the pandemic, we offered the courses in an online matter for those who couldn’t travel overseas. Right now, we are improving our online course to make it dynamic and to be able to offer it during the whole year for those who want to extend their knowledge and take it online.

Upon completion of the onsite course, the academy will ask you if you want to be certified. The test is an add-on of the course with a cost of $300. There will be a written and an on-court test of the topics talked about at the level you are testing for. Testing is only offered for Level 1 and Level 2 courses. Once the test is completed, if you have passed you will be getting the certification. CERTIFICATIONS LEVEL 1: ICI & RPT Competition Coach (+80%) ICI & RPT Assistant Coach (+60%) CERTIFICATIONS LEVEL 2: ICI & RPT Professional Coach (+70%)

No, as of now we don’t have online testing because there is a test that is on the court. If you wish to get the certifications, you can always come to one of our Emilio Sanchez academies (Barcelona, Naples Florida or Dubai ) and do the test with one of our coaches to get the certifications.

During the onsite course, you will be receiving a printed manual of the pdf presentation of the level ICI & RPT that you are participating in, a folder from our academy to keep your materials, a T-shirt from the ICI & RPT corporations, and an access link to all the backup videos of the sessions on the court that are pre-recorded for you to be able to have and download. Also, you will be receiving an attendance diploma from the ICI & RPT corporations to your email after the course is completed.

The link to sign up is posted on the ICI & RPT website there will be a link to register. Important information to remember: Once you are in the link if you wish to take more than one course you need to sign up for the different courses and make the online payment.

Yes, if you have taken the onsite course, it is free at no cost to retake the course (if you wish to take the test for the first time there will be an extra charge). If you decide to take the course onsite after you have taken it online there will be an option to pay the extra difference to come onsite.

It is recommended that you take more than 1 course because they are created in a progression meaning after level 1 finishes, level 2 starts, and so on.

Not really, if you wish to work as a coach or to improve your coaching skills it will be useful for any type of level you wish to train. The course walks you along our system to be able to become a coach and to become a better coach.

Level 1 is a 3-days course that usually starts early in the morning around 8 am and goes 2 days of course and the third one in the morning will be the test, the same afternoon the participants who had signed up for the second one will start the second one that afternoon. The college-level course is a daily course that starts early in the morning and finishes the same day, the doubles course is the same.

We are hoping to have it ready by this January 2023 edition, email us at and we will update you with new information on the online course.

We will have a guideline of instructions that we will post on the ICI & RPT website once the online version is prepared for you to follow.

If you visit the ICI & RPT website in each course you will see the main features of what you will be learning in each course. Each course is different. On level 1: You will be learning how to coach players from initiation to formation based on the Spanish tennis teaching system that is formed by 4 pillars of the game: Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Mental. On level 2: You will be learning how to coach players from formation to elite based on the Spanish tennis teaching system that is formed by 4 pillars of the game: Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Mental. On the Doubles level: You will be learning about all aspects of the double’s games like: Life Ball exercises with 2,3 and 4 players on the court, a chain of drills that are used to work on the doubles game such as the serve and return, the areas of the court for the double’s games like the 3 allies, how doubles are used to improve singles and other useful information for the doubles game. On the College level: You will be learning exercises and life balls drills to be able to manage a college team and get the most out of their game. This is a specialized course that helps you develop new aspects of the game.

All of the ICI & RPT levels are useful for all types of athletes. Even if you have a top 10 athlete, you still need to come back to the basics when it comes to correcting the main things. For Level 2 which is a more advanced level of players, the drills sometimes can also be adapted to your initiation or formation players. The chain of drills that works on the impact point for level 2 is really useful for any type of player. On the doubles course, everything can be used for any type of player even if they don’t play doubles. In the life ball drills, you can adapt 4 players on the court that sometimes as a coach is useful if you don’t have space. Also, there is a classroom that talks about how you can use doubles to improve singles. With that being said, any type of coach can take any level of the courses to develop and improve the skills.

1 week prior to the course, the email that you added on your registration process will be the one where you will be receiving the schedule of the classes. There are on court and on classroom classes with breaks between them for coffee. (Make sure you check your spam folder as well If you don’t see it on the inbox).

We have hotel deals for clients of our academy that you can use as well. Email us if you need accommodation and we will provide you with the link for the discount rate in our hotel deals. For food, we offer a buffet in our academy in Naples and Barcelona where you can pay the daily rate of $12, and it is all you can eat. For breakfast we do have coffee and pastries for the course participants on the same room of the course.

It is essential that you bring racket and sports clothes to attend the courses as they are done in the classroom and on the court.

We currently offer these courses in our Barcelona and Naples academy. If you wish to take the courses outside of the planned dates, we have a program for you to shadow and learn from one of our coaches the Spanish tennis teaching system and get the knowledge.

Email us if you need the invoice at and we will send you your payment invoice.

You can contact our academy email that is in charge of organizing the ICI & RPT courses at or contact the ICI & RPT contact email. We will answer all the questions you may have.

Emilio Sánchez Vicario

President of International Coaches Institute (ICI America) • Emilio Sánchez Academy Founder • Former #7 ATP in singles and #1 in doubles – Olympic Gold Medalist in China, 2008 • Davis Cup Champion, 2008 – Spain´s Team Captain • RPT International Master Professional & USPTA Master Professional .

Derek Touchette

NASM PES, USAW, USAW-SP • Fitness Director at ES Academy Florida & ICI America • Total Athetic Performance Founder • Trained athletes for the NFL, NBA, MLS, USA Soccer and also trained players such as Sharapova, Jankovic, and Mirny among others.

Victor Hugo

Head Pro Emilio Sánchez Academy Naples • Bachelor Science in Economics in Santa Clara • Junior College All American • NCAA Division 1 player • RPT International Master Professional & USPTA Elite Professional

Luis Mediero

CEO of the International Coaches Institute (ICI America) • RPT Founder • Author of patented teaching methods from mini-tennis to competitive players • Director of courses, clinics and conferences in 80 countries • RPT International Master Professional & USPTA Master Professional.

Lucas Regas

Tennis Director Emilio Sánchez Academy Naples (Florida) • Spanish top 100 player & NJCAA Número 1 2004 • Coach of Kirilenko, Galloviz and Brian Brothers (Assistant) • RPT International Master Professional & USPTA Elite Professional

Sánchez Vicario

WTA #1 in Singles & Doubles • 4 Grand Slam Singles Titles • 6 Grand Slam Doubles Titles • 4 Grand Slam Mix-Doubles Titles • 4 Olympic Medals • 5-time Fed Cup Champion • Spain`s Fed Cup Captain · RPT International Master Professional & USPTA Elite Professional

The International Coaches Institute was founded in Spain in 1989 and has become the largest, oldest and global leader organization dedicated to providing educational programs, international certification and comprehensive services to professional coaches in the fields of TENNIS, PADEL, GOLF, FITNESS AND PICKLEBALL, through their various Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Golf (RPGolf), Padel (RPPadel), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball (RPPickleball). The ICI has more than 65,000 certified coaches in 131 countries, and since its foundation has trained over 130,000 sports coaches.

ICI – TENNIS training programs and certifications are accredited and recognized by: Registro Profesional de Tenis, Spanish Professional Tennis Coaches Association, United States Registry of Tennis Professionals, European Registry of Tennis Professionals, Emilio Sanchez Academy, PTCA – Professional Tennis Coaches Association,  ESTESS Athletic University, International Registry of Tennis Professionals, United States Professional Tennis Association, World Teaching Professionals, International Centre for the Training of Authorities and Leaders, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Association of Sports Training Professionals and Spanish Royal Tennis Federation.

Emilio Sánchez Academy - USA


Course fee: € 650
Test fee: € 300

950 €

$ 950

  • Manual GlobalCC – Global Coaching Course
  • Pen
  • Certificate of attendance
  • WES password: online course preparation
  • Exam rights to International qualification: International Coaches Institute
  • Exam rights to United States qualification: United States Registry of Tennis Professionals,
  • Exam rights to European qualification: European Registry of Tennis Professionals
  • Exam rights to Spanish qualification: Registro Profesional de Tenis