In 2017, the Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT and the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation – RFET, signed a formal agreement in the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) office, in the presence of its President Mr. Alejandro Blanco, Mr. Miguel Diaz, (President, RFET), Mr. Dominic Conde, (President 2016-2020 of the RFET Teaching Committee) and Mr. Luis Mediero, (President-Founder of the RPT).  This agreement confirmed the promotion and standardisation of tennis teaching methods Nationally between the RFET and the RPT.

The RPT, founded in 1989, offers professional training programmes and a range of qualifications at National and International levels. In addition, the RPT offers a series of comprehensive professional services aimed at tennis teaching professionals.  The RPT has more than 24,500 technicians in 124 countries around the world.

The RFET Teaching and Research Area, has two clearly defined functions:

a) Firstly, the training programme, which encompasses both initial training, that is given to those who opt for a specific qualification;  such as professional development training, consisting of a series of courses to update and upskill tennis teaching professionals, which enables them to keep up to date with the latest advances in our sport.

b) Secondly, there is the research and development programme, which we consider essential, not only to provide data that helps to validate or modify the training programmes being proposed for the different stages of player development, but also to allow us to access new  ways of working that help us optimise the performance of the coach on a daily basis.

This line of research began in 2004, and we aim to reinforce it through the different agreements that we are signing with various institutions, mainly Universities, both to collaborate with those people or research groups that want to design and/or apply research in the field of  tennis, as well as to have partners who work together with us on the projects we are designing.