Become a Tennis teaching professional or coach
more than 27,000 CERTIFIED COACHES in 131 countries
Become part of the number 1 global organization that certified and accredits Tennis teaching professionals & coaches.


Certifications and qualifications
The Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT has +27.000 certified coaches in 131 countries, who have the highest recognition in the Tennis industry. During its 36 years of existence the RPT has trained more than 80.000 tennis coaches through its different educational programmes around the world.
The Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT is a subsidiary of the International Coaches Institute – ICI, it has become the first and largest international organization dedicated to offering educational programs, international certifications and professional services to sports teaching professionals and coaches through of their respective Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Padel (RPPadel), Golf (RPGolf), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball (RPPickleball). The ICI currently has +65,000 qualified coaches in 131 countries, and since its foundation in 1989, it has trained +130,000 sports coaches.
Benefit from their experience.
Featured events
The Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT offers educational programmes, international certification and comprehensive services to Tennis teaching professionals & coaches and their teaching centres. In addition, the RPT also promotes the sport at all levels by organising various events, tournaments, competitions, teaching clinics and activities for amateur players.

XXX RPT National Circuit – MARCA Tour by Wilson
In 2025, the RPT – Marca Tour by Wilson National Junior Circuit will celebrate its 30th Anniversary. The oldest and largest Circuit in the history of Spanish Tennis will hold more than 80 tournaments throughout the country, in the categories: Under 12, Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18, with the support of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation – RFET.

The Royal Spanish Tennis Federation – RFET and the Registry of Tennis Professionals – RPT signed an agreement in 2017 at the headquarters of the Spanish Olympic Committee- COE, whereby the training programs, professional qualifications and services offered by the RPT are endorsed and recognized by the RFET.

International Agreement between PADEL GALIS & RPP
Padel Galis and the Registry of Padel Professionals – RPP have an agreement for the promotion of padel at a global level. Padel Galis is the world leader in the design, manufacture and installation of padel courts. Padel Galis has become the first officialmanufacturer and installer of padel courts for the RPP.

ICI Professional Racquet Sports Accreditation
Since 2021, the International Coaches Institute – ICI offers you the largest range of training programs, certification and professional qualification, along with comprehensive professional services for racket sports coaches through the Registry of Padel Professionals, Registry of Pickleball Professionals and the Registry of Tennis Professionals.
Our next courses
You can now participate in one of our professional training and certification courses or organise one of them at your facilities.

Benefits of joining the RPT Club
Become part of the largest club for Tennis teaching professionals and coaches in the world, and benefit from all its advantages to work with total security and guarantee.
Professional licence to teach and coach tennis
Accreditation from the ICI and RPT
In USA, Europe, Spain & International
International Job Opportunities for Professionals & Coaches
Training and professional updating courses
You will have a unified voice in the Tennis industry.
Total security and guarantee with Civil Liability Insurance
Automatic registration in the APE Sport
Benefit from all our sponsors and partners
Our system
TETAFIME is a model that uses educational patents to develop four pillars: Technical, Tactical, Physical and Mental, which are integrated and interconnected to reach the Ideal Competitive State.

Professionals services for tennis teachers professionals and coaches
The Registry of Tennis Professionals (RPT) is a world leader dedicated to providing educational programs, international certification and comprehensive services to tennis teaching professionals and their schools, with the goal of developing people through tennis. With more than 27,000 certified coaches in 131 countries, the RPT has become the tennis coaching organization with the largest global presence. The RPT is also in charge of promoting the sport at all levels by organizing different events, tournaments, competitions, teaching clinics and activities for amateur players. The RPT is a sports affiliate of the International Coaches Institute.