Es un curso específico para entrenadores que trabajan en College & Universities en Estados Unidos. Durante el taller se trabajan aspectos técnicos, tácticos, físicos y mentales para potenciar al jugador, tanto en individuales como en dobles. Se trabaja con clases teóricas en el aula y se trabaja en la pista con diferentes encadenamientos de ejercicios, controles y partidos de competición.

The International Coaches Institute was founded in Spain in 1989 and has become the largest, oldest and global leader organization dedicated to providing educational programs, international certification and comprehensive services to professional coaches in the fields of TENNISPADELGOLF, FITNESS AND PICKLEBALL, through their various Professional Registries: Tennis (RPTennis), Golf (RPGolf), Padel (RPPadel), Fitness (RPFitness) and Pickleball(RPPickleball). The ICI has more than 50,000 qualified trainers and coaches in 130 countries, and since its foundation has trained over 100,000 sporting coaches.

ICI – TENNIS training programs and certifications are accredited and recognized by: Registro Profesional de Tenis, Spanish Professional Tennis Coaches Association, European Registry of Tennis Professionals, Emilio Sanchez Academy, PTCA – Professional Tennis Coaches Association,  ESTESS Athletic University, International Registry of Tennis Professionals, United States Professional Tennis Association, International Centre for the Training of Authorities and Leaders, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Association of Sports Training Professionals and Spanish Royal Tennis Federation.